Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Conclusion Post

Over the past seven weeks of really focusing on technology, and looking at it from different stand points, I have to say that I’m not as one sided as I started out being. I liked this topic a lot, maybe it is because I have four kids and a wife that have a different view than I have, and their views seems to go a long with the majority of this class. I’m not saying one is right and one is wrong, I still think that a lot of it is just wasted time. But are discussions in class have opened my eyes a little bit and I can see there are good things that can come from all this time spent on various sites. I still think that I will stay with my approach, which is to avoid it if at all possible. I would say that my favorite part of this class was the class discussions, when you had multiple ideas and thoughts being shared, from people with all different beliefs and nationality’s, it really made you think and question where you did stand. I really liked the views shared from those without kids, and how easy they think it is going to be to raise their kids in this crazy high tech world.

My overall felling’s are that this class was “AWSOME” I wouldn’t say it was easy, you were expected to show up and do your work, but are professor was laid back, taking all the stress out of it so you wanted to be there, and if you did your part she was more than fair. I liked that she listened to her class and had their best interest in mind, as she would extend deadline when the majority of the class was trying, but struggling. I feel that I learned a lot in her class without being lectured too for hours, class was always interesting and you were glad you went. By far the best English class I have taking, glad I made the decision to take English this summer. Thanks Brian 

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