Sunday, August 3, 2014

Journal 11

Its getting harder and harder to think of something to share, kind of like are writing assignment. I was thinking this third paper would be a lot easier, but I feel like I just keep writing the same things over and over. Plus my body is sick of sitting in this chair for hours at a time. I want to go and spend time with my kids, maybe go for a walk or do something outside away from my laptop. But I’m to slow and need all the time I can get between this class and my history class. I feel like I’m a prisoner stuck in my little room, working and doing my assignments, which in the end aren’t all that good any way. 

1 comment:

  1. You have done a good job. Don't discredit yourself. You are a good student and you will do well in all of your classes if you just stick to it.

    I see all your journals up to 11. So get in and do 12,13,&14. And don't forget the conclusion post and to post your argument essay.

    After that you are done, and you should go for a walk. That always sparks ideas for me.
