Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Journal 14

 Having mixed emotions, this is our last day of class, and this will be my last journal entry. Thinking back to our first class, I have to say that I was scared when we where told that we had to create a blog, and everything we do in this class will be posted on our blogs. I never would have thought that I would know what a blog was, let alone have my very own. I’m still not crazy about the idea that anyone can access my blog and read the lame crap I post. I guess I’m not that secure when it comes to my thoughts, and even less secure with writing them down. The plus that I have seen is that for me it has really made me stop and think of how it sounds, and not that I know where to add the correct punctuation, I am trying. So in that way I feel like I have learned more in this English class than in any other.

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