Monday, July 14, 2014

Journal 6

Journal 6

On my topic Technology in construction, there seems to be a variety of opinions and topics. Most of the information I have found is with iPad software, and how it is lighting fast and capable of so much more, and relatively easy to learn with just a few minor tips. Software that is taking your office and putting it in your hand, allowing you to access it from anywhere, proving to save time and money, at the same time cutting down on common mistakes. Technology that is allowing decisions to be made instantly and shared with those waiting, saving three to five days on the mailman. Most of the articles are coming across in favor of this technology, they are excited and want to share it with everyone. But there are always some that struggle with change, and take the side of the naysayer, raising concerns from how hard is it to learn, will we need to hire a tech support group, are employees just going to be playing on them, are they really as good, and do they really do all those things that you are telling us. Basically do the pros out way the cons?   

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