Sunday, July 6, 2014


                                                         Dawn of the Digital Natives

       I wish I had time to read more, the only reading I do is what is assigned by You, or my History teacher. And trust me at this point I am struggling to keep up with that. This is pretty typical for me, I have never been a huge reader, but when I do find a book or a series that I can get into, watch out, once I'm hooked I have a hard time putting it down until I'm done. I would put my reading habits in the poor category overall, I just don't make the time like I should to read, and I'm seeing now how that has hurt me overall. I think if I was an avid reader punctuation may make more sense, as well as sentence structure. Last series of books I read were the huger games, and I couldn't put them down. So maybe its time to find a good book, or another good series of books to read, and make the time. any suggestions? 

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