Sunday, July 13, 2014

Journal 5

 Having school four nights a week and my family room all tour to pieces is going to send me to an early death. I have been looking forward to Fridays so I can work on my family room, but after this weekend, I don’t care if I ever see that room again.  Although it would be a shame not to see it finished, especially when it is looking so darn good.  Well after a grueling weekend my family room is almost ready for paint. I do wish it was done, my homework is suffering, and I am not the type of person who usually leaves things till the last day. Really starting to feel the effects and I don’t like it one bit. I think until I get that room done, I need to make better use of my time in class, at least try and get the in class writing and journal entries done. That way all I have is my paper to be working on over the weekend. 

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