Wednesday, July 30, 2014

In class writing/thes

Although technology will improve the construction industry. It will also create distractions that could potentially hurt someone.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Literature Review

Brian Roundy
English 1010
Kamri Goff
Major Writing 2
            This paper is about technology use in construction, and how tablets are making a huge impact with lighting fast apps, and easy to use technology. The main ideas that we will focus on for this topic, are new and improved software. How it is helping the construction industry be more productive. How this technology is better equipping the construction professionals on the job site. How it is helping to save time and money. What the people using this technology think of it.
            Latistas new iPad 2.0 software is changing construction sites everywhere, Thrilled with its speed and performance, they cant help but boast. Adding increased speed for viewing 3D buildings, making it possible to add issues directly to a drawing, and features that give you the ability to switch between an interactive PDF view where the user can draw or take notes. To giving the general contactor the ability to manage his project from begging to end, from giving a price quote, sign off on a transaction; plan a concrete pour—to showing where the mixing trucks are in traffic. Tablets are offering new ways to speed up communication, obtain client approvals, complete inspections arrange and manage other complications in an industry that is highly mobile.  With there lean design and easy to use technology iPads are becoming the most valued tool on the site.
            With all these new features and apps construction sites are becoming more and more productive as they learn and put this technology to action. Productive being the key word, if you can quickly access a rendering of a drawing you can use this to correct things as necessary. Having access to over a 1,300 drawings at your fingertips takes away more chances for human error, and time saved running back and forth to the office to back up your argument. When you have the plans pulled up on your iPad its easy to show subcontractors what they are doing wrong and what they need to do to render a fix. Typically it took two or more to complete an inspection. Now you can send one guy with an iPad and he can document the site, adding notes as he goes, and photos as he needs, and when finished hit send. The iPads bigger screen size allows the user to see more of the area at one time, giving the user a lot more control and allowing more to be done. 
            Equipping the project management teams with cutting edge technology, allows them to be prepared for anything they may face while on the job site. Having access to drawings and the ability to pull up an individual floor, or room as they are walking through their job site, gives them the ability to look at notes that they have made right on the plan. At the same time giving them the technology to add a new note or add a photo to the area in question. No more looking for a piece of paper or making a note on a scrap of wood lying on the job site. Now everything can be done on your iPad in the area of question, and tagged with a reminder so you don’t forget to follow up on the matter. And any changes or decisions can be automatically sent to those individuals. This technology is literally changing how businesses are run and managed.
            Saving time and money are the two things that most businesses want to be sure of. The new iPad technology is doing both. The value is you can access everything you need in the field. You can view blue prints as you walk the site, sketch out a quick plan-using Sketchbook pro or type out notes instead of using pen and paper. It also can be a great selling tool, by showing examples of previous work. Those using this technology are able to do more in less time. This technology is allowing management to get out of their office and take a more hands on approach. Giving them access to their files anytime and anywhere has literally put their office in their hands. Imagine being able to do your job from anywhere, which is what this technology is doing for the construction industry. It’s speeding up the communication process, directors, upper management, foreman, superintendents, inspectors, and site managers can forward information, which will cut down on time wasted waiting on answers. If time is money then this technology will save your business both. Think if your top paid people are being more productive, and cutting down on common mistakes, and fixing larger mistakes due to this technology, then your business is not only saving money, but also making money. 
 People are responding saying the iPad has changed the game, and construction sites are now buzzing with tablets. Construction workers, managers, superintendents are excited. This new technology has not only changed the construction industry but has changed the way construction is being managed. This technology has given the individual a way to be organized and confident, knowing everything he needs is on his iPad. The entire design of the iPad, and its new technology is designed so anybody can pick it up and feel comfortable using it. The apps are user friendly making the device wonderful for the end user. And for those who are still to embarrassed to admit that they don’t know how to use the technology or ask for help, it’s not hard, with a little guidance on some basic actions, you will be feeling confident in no time.
The new iPad 2.0 Software has been tested up against many of the leading companies. Not only was it faster on 14 of 20 files, they upgraded the files making them simpler to use.  Now you can drag and drop an issue right on the floor plan, where before all you could do was take a picture. The software is a visual punch-list tool that allows one to drag a master punch list onto floor plans, create issues and attach them directly to the drawings. It can also filter the view of a plan and only show certain issues or parts of the building. This software has the ability to read barcodes with a built in camera. Allowing the user to tag equipment and when scanned show a 3D view of the equipment and the condition it is in. Another use is putting barcodes in different rooms so when they are scanned it would give information about that room. Imagine this technology used in hospitals, like the doctor diagnosing a patient, a barcode would tell you what was wrong in that room, from the AC running to cold, to the heater not coming on, lights could show whether it’s a bulb or the ballast needs to be changed.
Boise State University’s construction management program saw the wave coming and has now requires the use of iPads for all their students. They use the tablets to upload data reports, photos, and delivery of specifications, safety materials and requests for information.  Their goal is to prepare their students for the increasing amount of building sites that are more commonly being run without paper. They say there are still many who are slow to adopt this new technology but they realized that using tablets at the job site saves time and money. An operations manager for Hoffman construction said his crews and the subcontractors on his job rely on iPads all the time. He said they are set up for our subcontractors and their employees so that they can access a whole variety of information in the field so they don’t have to make multiple stops into the office. The apps are user friendly and have really changed the way work is conducted on the site.
In this paper we have talked a lot about technology use in construction, and how this new technology has really changed how the construction industry is viewed. How tablets are making a huge impact with lighting fast apps, and easy to use technology. How this technology is helping the construction industry be more productive, by literally putting their office in their hands. How this technology is better equipping the construction professionals on the job site, by equipping them with software that makes their job easier by letting them take notes wright on the drawing or add a photo to that area, making your notes make sense when you get back to the office to you and to those you forward them to. This new technology is saving Construction Company’s time and money by simplifying the process in which they do their jobs. Construction professionals are finding it easier to manage the growing more complicated job sites with the use of the iPad. They are excited about all the new user-friendly software that is making it so anybody can pick it up and with little instruction feel confident.   

                                                        Work Sited

Abaffy, Luke. "Field Data Management Tool Ups Capabilities." ENR: Engineering News-Record 270.1 (2013): 21. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 July 2014.
Abaffy, Luke. "Ipads And Tablets: Time Saved Vs. Time Spent." ENR: Engineering News-

Record 267.9 (2011): 20. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 July 2014.

Abaffy, Luke. "Software Puts All Plan Sets At Your Fingertips." ENR: Engineering News-Record 269.12 (2012): 18. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 July 2014.

Gonzalez, Jennifer. “Tablets Have Changed The Game At Construction Sites.” Idaho Business

Review (Boise, ID) (n.d.): Regional Business News. Web. 8 July 2014.

Van Hampton, Tudor. "Tablets Take Off." ENR: Engineering News-Record 267.7 (2011): 20-23.

Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 July 2014.

"Q&A: State Of The Slate." ENR: Engineering News-Record 267.7 (2011): 23. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 July 2014.

Journal 10

I really do enjoy this class, even though its getting harder to want to go, due to so much going on in my crazy life, once I’m here I have a great time.  The night goes by fast, the discussions we have as a class are my favorite part, it is interesting to see and hear the different views from those in the class. Although they make me feel old, I like my views on life better than the views shared by the younger generation. I feel like my generation is a dying breed, and soon the world will be full of individual’s who only care about them self’s. And think for one reason or another that this world owes them something. I think instant gratification is going to be the down fall of life as we know it.   

Sunday, July 27, 2014

In class writing

If I had to advocate for something, what would it be? And how would I go about it? I would advocate for the schoolteachers, and the classified employees, and the wages they are paid versus the wages of the directors, and superintendents.  And whether or not their big salaries and yearly raises are justified. First I would gather the facts, talk with those parties involved, and then I would educate the public. 

Journal 9

3. He dropped out of school to help support his family.

4. The bus company will be coming out with a new schedule.

5. There are many ways to meet foreign students.

6. It is common for one to purposely lie.

7. Disobeying rules can cause trouble and safety issues.

8. A campus rally attended by a thousand ended with 5 students arrested and several others charged with organizing a meeting without a permit.

9. Students find certain subjects more useful after graduation.

10. College freshman need academic advisors to help with their major.