Saturday, June 28, 2014

Journal entry 2

Still nervous, but I'm glad that I making myself go back to school, kicking myself for not taking it more serious in high school. class was fun tonight I really like the brain storming we did and the ideas for our papers, I was stuck had no clue on a topic, so thank you. You are a good teacher and are making it fun, my 955 teacher was so boring, it was hard to want to be there. Not sure about the whole blogging thing, maybe its my lack of confidence in my abilities to structure and write a sentence that is worthily of my age, maybe its my fear of thinking and doing something so far out of my comfort zone. whatever it is, thank you, its the same with anything you do, the only way to learn is to push yourself beyond what you think you are capable of and realize that you haven't even scratched the surface. look at me I'm blogging!  

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